It doesn't matter how quaint or warped it is. It may be right out there in the open for all to see, or hidden safely away in the dark, damp recesses of a fragile personality. But it's there and whoever it belongs to I'll love them for it.
One of my heaviest obsessions is around 80 years old, black and about 30lbs in weight. It is mechanically breathtaking and beautiful in its iconic design. It is the Underwood number 5 manual typewriter and even the thought of caressing its glass-top keys is enough to make my pulse move into fifth gear and my fingertips salivate.
I can see it now. Sitting like a queen on her throne smack dab in the middle of my leathertop pedestal desk. Commanding me to approach with anything that even remotely resembles a blank sheet of paper and a thought that deserves to see the light of day.
But I blink...and she disappears from view. My Underwood 5 is, unfortunately, still an unrealised possession. A blank space. An unfulfilled dream. A missed opportunity.
It's one thing to obsess about something you own and treasure and display proudly. It's a whole new twisted breed of damned obsession that forces you to do so POST-possession! It may even be a sickness. A medical condition worthy of an article in The Lancet.
The other day, I was almost able to reach out and touch my holy grail. Almost.
I could see it in front of me. There on eBay in all its glory and photographed in various poses. It was a semi-colon away from being pornographic.
"Bid for me" it whispered, and my finger did its bidding before my brain had even excited enough synapses to prod the keys of my accursed laptop.
I bid and I bid all the way up from 99p right up to £35 (plus £15.99 p&p), each time told that my bid was the highest bid so far.
I was 20 seconds away from possessing the noble creature. TWENTY SECONDS, I swear, when she was cruelly and for ever wrenched away from my waiting arms, by the devil called technology and a damned failed internet connection!
By the time I had reconnected to the 'wicked world web', the auction had ended and MY Underwood 5 was on its way to sit on someone else's desk. Someone else whose internet connection hadn't failed. Someone else whose ONE POUND higher bid had won the day!!
So now here I am, the victim of cruel fate and heartless circumstance. Underwoodless.
But my obsession is built of strong stuff. It does not weaken easily, fear rejection or run from unfeeling misfortune.
My Underwood 5 that never was has sisters out there, somewhere. And some of them have owners who will one day put aside their own Underwood love affairs and seek divorce in the high court of eBay.
And I shall be waiting......